Two garden chairs and a table — all by hand 2022

How To garden chairs and a table - all by hand
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How To garden chairs and a table — all by hand

Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table — all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table — all by hand 2022

It would seem that it is difficult to connect several boards together? But in reality, it takes a lot of time. At least it’s not in my nature to do something stupid. Therefore, I began by searching the Internet for a design that I would like.
First, I drew patterns on graph paper.
The next step is to make templates. To do this, I took a «folder», i.e. fiberboard. I transferred the patterns to the fiberboard and cut it out on a ribbon.
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
The main material is a board 25×125. Almost like a project. I selected the boards, planed on a thickness gauge, transferred the details according to the templates, cut them on a ribbon.
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Assembled in draft to understand where you need to run in chamfers with a cutter. All the projects that I looked at are assembled on self-tapping screws. After all, this is not a living room chair. So, I will use any fasteners for fastening — furniture bolts, external self-tapping screws will be anodized torxes, invisible galvanized.
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
The next step is painting all the details from all sides. Glazing antiseptic, larch color.
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
I started to collect in the workshop. And in time I measured the dimensions of the assembled Adirondack. It turned out that the finished chair would not fit through the door of the workshop. Therefore, I collected it in the garage, which is through the wall from the workshop.
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Collected, put near the garage door. Immediately caught my eye — there is not enough table.
Well, I ask for a table in the studio.
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022
Easy to sit down, easy to get up. Resting!

Two garden chairs and a table - all by hand 2022


  • Yum
Author: Admin

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