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Bath and sauna. Steam room

The steam room is the «hot» heart of the bath. Maintaining the desired comfort and temperature comes at a cost. Therefore, the efficiency of the steam room is one of the main conditions in the design of the structure. Determining the optimal size of the room can be done using standard calculations:
When calculating the area of ​​the steam room, it is necessary to proceed from the number of bathers who are simultaneously in the steam room (the best option for a steam room area is 2-3 sq.m. per one bather).
The ceiling height in the steam room is 2.1-2.3 m. — the most optimal option. At a lower height, the broom will cling to the ceiling. Above 2.3 m, convective heat transfer will be less efficient — i.e. it will be cooler closer to the floor, and vice versa, closer to the ceiling it will be hotter, so you will have to reach up with a broom for hot steam. And this is undesirable, because an additional load is placed on the bather.

The content of the article

The presence of the following rooms in the planned bath also significantly contributes to the comfort:

  • vestibule;
  • locker room;
  • recreation room;
  • washing (shower);
  • steam room.

The steam room is best placed between the relaxation room and the shower room. This arrangement of zones makes it possible to choose an economical model of a heating boiler, for example, with an outlet fuel channel, which will allow the stove to be heated directly from the recreation room, or with a mobile heat sink for supplying hot water to the washing unit.


Mankind has not yet invented a more efficient and rational material than cozy, warm wood. Wood is used everywhere in the steam room; it is used for covering the floor, revealing walls and ceilings, making shelves and benches and accessories from wood. However, it must be remembered that special wood is used for a high-quality steam room, which must meet such requirements as increased density, low thermal conductivity and water resistance. It is also essential that the wood contains as little resinous substances as possible in the form of greasy spots, which at high temperatures can cause thermal burns in a person, not to mention the fact that the appearance of the wood deteriorates.
Long-term studies show that connoisseurs and steam lovers consider the preferred timber for steam rooms:


Linden — The structure of the tree is pliable, easy to finish, boards are obtained without knots and “scoring”. Linden is not susceptible to frost, moisture resistant, retains its original appearance and its natural delicious smell for a long time. Even ancient healers appreciated the healing properties of this unique tree, today the linden has found wide application, both in classical and folk medicine.
Steam room materials

Steam room materials

Aspen — The healing properties of aspen are undeniable. When heated, the aspen tree releases substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body — antimicrobial, antitussive, anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic.

Aspen substances have inhalation, disinfectant and astringent properties.

the complex treatment of colds and tuberculosis, dysentery and malaria, and cough. It is not groundlessly considered to be that aspen absorbs energy, i.e. when a person is in a steam room, aspen pulls human diseases onto itself. Aspen tree is not subject to overheating, which reduces the risk of thermal burns. Also, when heated, unpleasant odors are not emitted. When heated, aspen contains no resins that negatively affect a person. Aspen is not susceptible to the effects of microorganisms and decay, which contributes to its durability in your sauna and bath. It is considered an elite type of wood, despite the fact that the price of euro lining from aspen is on a par with Euro lining from linden.

Abashi — the porous structure of the African abashi tree creates a low thermal conductivity of the tree, which excludes the possibility of thermal burns to a person in case of contact with a tree. At the same time, the myth that abashi does not heat up in a sauna does not correspond to reality — the abashi tree quickly heats up to ambient temperature.

Abashi has a beautiful yellowish tint, the structure of the tree is even and without color differences. Today abashi is one of the most beloved and demanded wood species in the world for the construction of baths and saunas.

To keep the steam room warm as long as possible, you need to do the following:

With the vertical arrangement of the lining, bars of 50×50 mm (preferably coniferous) are packed horizontally over the entire area of ​​the bath in the interval of 40-50 cm from one another, incl. to the ceiling.

Insulation is laid between the rows of the timber, after which the entire perimeter is covered with a vapor barrier, for which foil is very well suited. Foil joints can be sealed with aluminum tape.

After that, we create an air cushion between the vapor barrier and the clapboard, for which a distance rail 20-30 cm thick is stuffed. That’s all, it remains to sheathe the perimeter with clapboard.

Basalt (stone) wool has proven itself well as a heater — it resists the effects of high temperatures well.

Базальтовая вата

Basalt wool

Mineral wool is also suitable as insulation, despite the fact that this material is relatively inexpensive.

And the most ideal option is to give preference to cork agglomerate, which has a number of advantages over the materials described above.

Cork agglomerate

Cork agglomerate

It is an anti-fungal, anti-allergenic, non-rotting insulation. Also, he is not afraid of high temperatures, he is not flammable. So today cork insulation is the best insulation for your sauna.

The ceiling must be insulated with a material at least 10 cm thick, walls 5 cm on a warm wall and 10 cm on a cold one.


Another option for decorating the walls of the steam room is 2-3 horizontal boards that play the role of a backrest above the upper shelf. And even if you decorate them with skillful carving, the room will acquire an unusual and homely comfort.


Cozy steam room

Lighting plays an important role in the interior of the steam room. Alternatively, it is recommended to illuminate the seats and the ceiling (for example, in the form of a starry sky), install wooden lamps on the walls.

Of course, we must not forget about safety, therefore, as lighting equipment and materials for your steam room, it is better to use fiber-optic systems for lighting, which are leading in such indicators as safety, appearance, convenience and practicality of placement.

Beautiful lighting in the steam room

Beautiful lighting in the steam room

With the help of these materials, the steam room can be colored with shades of any palette.

The current heating stoves in the steam room in the form of brick and metal «houses» of various shapes and designs also complement its decor. The choice of options is provided by the heating unit, depending on the size of the steam room and your taste. The brazier will look equally good in the corner, in the middle of the room. The brazier screen in the form of a brick or stone masonry will add a new big plus to your steam room. A stove located in a corner with a stone frame will look very impressive; this will give your steam room a special charm, as if there is a cave or a grotto in it.


An immutable fact — even the most durable wood is destroyed under the constant influence of heat and steam, and therefore after 10-15 years the steam room needs to be overhauled.

The beginning of the destruction of the tree

The beginning of the destruction of the tree

And this is in the ideal case, but practically every 3-5 years there is a need for serious resuscitation of the entire wooden component.

What can contribute to the effective extension of the steam room? There are three points, on the implementation of which it depends on how long the steam room will last:

It is clear that traditional chemical preparations for a bath are not the best option — artificial stain under the influence of elevated temperature emits a strong and unpleasant odor, along with the release of chemicals into the air. Therefore, for the steam room, it is necessary to use special protective equipment, which, in addition to extending the durability of the facing lining, should also help preserve the color of the surface of the tree, its purity.

Advanced natural wood impregnation oils fulfill these requirements.

Impregnations and oils for wood

Impregnations and oils for wood

They are made, as a rule, on the basis of wax, which eliminates the harmful effect on humans. Wood treated with these oils is easy to keep clean and requires constant ventilation and thorough cleaning.

Make it a rule to ventilate and thoroughly clean the bath after each wash, it is better to free the room from furniture and accessories as much as possible during cleaning. Ventilation of the room. Even at the design stage of the bath, it is necessary to provide for the equipment of ventilation ducts. Ventilation holes are made at the rate of 24 cm per 1 cu. m. premises. This will provide an adequate supply of fresh air and will contribute to the longevity of the bath and your body.

  • Yum
Author: Admin

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